Woodburn's Fall 2023 City-Wide Trash Pick-up - City of Woodburn


Woodburn’s Fall 2023 City-Wide Trash Pick-up

Date: September 22nd 2023 to September 23rd 2023
Time: Set out Sept. 22nd for Sept. 23rd Pick-up

City of Woodburn
22735 Main Street, Woodburn, Indiana, 46797

Take advantage of this semi-annual opportunity to get rid of your garbage! Please note that electronics, tires, or refrigerators with coolant in them will not be picked up along with potential other items at Waste Management’s discretion. Mattresses need to be wrapped in plastic. Typically there are out-of-town personal trucks picking up items a night before Waste Management, should you be inclined to place items at the curb early. Regardless, we ask that as a homeowner/renter that you promptly retrieve anything remaining after pick-up.