Woodburn Zoning Informational Meeting - City of Woodburn


Woodburn Zoning Informational Meeting

Date: September 26th 2017
Time: 6pm at City Hall

Woodburn City Hall
22735 Main Street, Woodburn, IN 46797

The draft updated Woodburn ordinance is located at the DPS website at:  http://www.allencounty.us/department-of-planning-services

The Department of Planning Services staff will hold an informational meeting for the proposed ordinance on Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Woodburn Community Center (22735 Main Street, in Woodburn).  If you have questions or concerns about this project, please plan on attending this meeting and giving any input you have on the draft zoning ordinance.  DPS staff will be available at the meeting to address any specific questions or concerns.